Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Viking Worth Liking

The title of a stop-motion lego short that Greg and I made a couple months ago. We submitted it to the San Antonio Independant Christian Film Festival, and were super delighted when we found out it got accepted. We were also quite is the first movie we have ever made.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations! I was so thrilled to get the e-mail about the film fest from VF, but when I read that a "Viking Worth Liking" was going to be there, I didn't know it was yours! This is SO exciting! I guess we will see you and it when we get there, Lord willing!:-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Monica!!! I am so delighted for you guys and proud that my friends actually got a movie into the SAICFF! :-) We got an email from VF announcing the finalists and when I saw the "Viking Worth Liking" film, I suspected it was yours. I am VERY eagerly awaiting the film fest and seeing your film.

Country Mom said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you and Togo, Mocha! I think its amazing that you got accepted first thing...and I'm a little jealous too! :0)
I'm really trying hard to figure out a way I can come. Pray I get it all worked out!
